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English name: Diosgenin
Alias: (25R)-Spirost-5-en-3beta-ol; 3b-Hydroxy-5-spirostene
Product name: Diosgenin
Molecular Structure: 

Molecular formula: C27H42O3
Molecular weight: 414.63
CAS RN: 512-04-9
Properties: Appearance: White or off-white powder
Melting point: ≥195℃
Specific rotation: ≥-115°
Loss on drying: ≤0.5%
Capacity introduction:
The company has been producing this product since 1992. It has a history of nearly 30 years. There are two branches of this company specializing in the production of this product. The annual production capacity of this product is 600 tons, and its quality is among the best in the industry.

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Add: Sanhe Industrial Park, Chenggu County, Shaanxi Province, China
Sales contact:  Manager He
Tel : +86-916-7214888;   +86-18992628105
Purchasing contact:  Manager Zhang
Tel : +86-916-7219222;   +86-18992628128
